There was something about the Brigadoon-like Falgannon, something that kept most of its male inhabitants unwed. From Michael the Story to Callum the Bicycle--and we mustn't forget The Cat Dudley, the slyest poker-playing moggie in the Outer Hebrides--every male of the Isle had happiness dependent upon that of its Lady. So things had been since Pictish times, and so they would be long after the present day.
Despite her machinations, to this point B. A. Montgomerie had been unable to make her men happy. Her first marriage had been against their advice. Her husband had been Irish, true; but he had failed to meet other necessary requirements...and things had ended badly. Now, another son of Eire had arrived and was making the natives restless. Yes, everyone could sense Desmond Mershan's conquering Viking spirit and his desire for B.A. And while the men of Falgannon would never let anything happen that she didn't want, this Irishman had come to pillage and loot, and nothing was going to stop him. B.A. could taste the battle to come.