In a universe full of scum, their job has just begun.
They are all that stands between us and the terrifying truth. They are the men--and women--of a supersecret organization formed to police, monitor, and conceal alien life on Earth. But first and foremost their job is to protect our planet from the scum of the universe. Unfortunately, it's a big universe.
The Zahurians are telepathic, highly mobile, and love meat. They also resemble Prunus americana, the beautiful flowering plum tree. They came to Earth expecting a primitive Eden with plenty of fresh protein--including humans. What they didn't count on were the MiB.
Agent Jay, a former NYPD detective, and his new partner, Agent Elle, never expected to play Earth's landscapers. But now it's up to them to track down and destroy the roving band of carnivorous--and very hungry--trees.
It won't be easy. The Zahurians can plant themselves just about anywhere: forests, parks, backyards, flower malls. And everywhere they go someone ends up plant food. If that's not bad enough, Agent Jay and Agent Elle learn that a host of alien races are orbiting above, just itching to torch the entire planet to rid the galaxy of the hated Zahurians. Time is running out. If MiB doesn't succeed, the human race has two possible fates: ashes or fertilizer.