The hapless Kettles find themselves in a silly spoof of the world of fashion foibles -- with the help of sprightly illustrations and a bouncy, repetitive text that begs to be read aloud."PAISLEY," said Monsieur Pip, "is perky and spry. I love it, don't you? Just give it a try."
Once a year the Kettles get new clothes, plain and simple as you please.
But this year their favorite shop has been taken over by Monsieur Pip's
fancy boutique! Soon they're on a wild ride through the world of high
fashion, in crazy patterns and every color of the rainbow. Will the
conservative Kettles ever find the clothes they need? Mais oui! For
Monsieur Pip's customers are always happy - G-U-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D!