Re-Issued as "Once Upon a Cowboy" in 2012
The A-OK Corral, near Lullaby, Colorado
Cami "Tex" Greenbush--She can't rope, can't ride, but she's a Texan. Doesn't that mean she's got cowboying in her genes?
Holt Winston--Now, he's a real cowboy. Short on temper. Long on pride. He doesn't suffer fools gladly. And, in spite of running a dude ranch, he doesn't much care for dudes-- especially dudes who con their way onto his payroll, claiming to be experienced wranglers.
So, maybe Cami did exaggerate her wrangling skills...but if her new boss is half the man she takes him for, he'll honor their contract. Because a real cowboy is always "true to his horse, true to his woman, and true to his word"!
Hero: Holt Winston
Heroine: Cami "Tex" Greenbush