Rocket has finally achieved his dream Ā -- heĀ's been drafted to the NHL!
Following a great Major Junior career, Rocket is drafted in the NHL draft! However, the scouts still feel that Rocket needs some retooling to be an NHLer. He is sent to the AHL for seasoning, and told he should hit the weight room as well.
At home, Maddy has applied for loans for her first year of university. Rocket assures her that heĀ'll pay it all off when heĀ's a pro. This changes when his mother is laid off and RocketĀ's income is all the family has Ā -- and an AHL salary doesnĀ't go very far.
Through his training with the AHL, Rocket will face many challenges, both on the ice and in his home life. Will Rocket once again beat the odds?