Christmas Eve and after being thrown off the planet Veldor, The Chuckling Pig lands on Kairfree in the middle of a hostage situation. And what a hostage: the spectacular and dynamic Velda, star of the hit holovid series, Velda & the Lervons.
After Velda had them thrown off her home world, she needs their help on Kairfree, but the job is not without its problems, the biggest one being how to deal with an armed gang of kidnappers and their murderous bot, Cuckoo. With Gren soon captured it's up to BB, the student Sulin Tassil and the crackpot, insulting servobot Mekkano to beat the mobsters and their brutal bot.
Action, adventure and fun all the way with the Space Truckers in A Kairfree Christmas.