The Prophecy Stones series is a story of how the pure love and honest trust that exists between adults and children can overcome the violent greed and betrayal of those ambitious for power.
When the ruling Council of Witches, the Wicca, find that they have been betrayed, it is too late to prevent the tragic turn of events that will see hundreds of thousands of happy families turned into refugees, running for their lives, leaving their valued possessions behind. But, before their final fall from grace, the Wicca discover the surprising power that is held by an unknown child, already orphaned by the powers that would destroy the Council itself and take control of the world. The leader of the Wicca sees the potential in the pure simplicity of the child and asks her to find the power of the Prophecy Stones and use the elements of the world to save the people and the whole world from self-destruction.
Light Seeker is the second in the Prophecy Stones series. Despite activating the Fire Pool, Nesta and Kynn must next discover the whereabouts of the Prophecy Stones, but the Power of Fajra is growing stronger and the reach of her followers is increasing. Lord Mool intends to invade the magical city of Nag and, once that is won, the whole of Mundo is under threat, from the south right to the north. Fajra's alliance with the Pysgot and Skyke has reached a fever pitch with both sets of creatures anxious to secure the death of Nesta and Kynn.
Although Nesta has found friendships in Peyla, Jessica and Taiven, amongst others, such is the devastation being wrought on Mundo that it is growing increasingly difficult for them to stay together, their strengths being needed in differing parts of the country, tearing the tiny alliance apart.
As Nesta decides on her next strategy, it seems that Fajra is able to hone in on her talents and turn her Power against her, rendering her helpless.
The speed and excitement of Fire pool continues in this second book and the chase becomes even more frenetic.
Nesta finds herself alone and friendless and begins the self-doubt of whether she posses what is necessary to defeat Fajra. Her friends can't help and she doesn't even know where they are.
Nesta faces her darkest moments and struggles to emerge back into the light.
Prophecy Stones is suitable for young teenagers and other readers of Fantasy