This collection of stories spans two decades of work by Bram Stoker Award winning author David Niall Wilson. From the streets of Jerusalem to the historical life of Vlad Tepes, follow the undead, the dispossesed, the demonic and the just plain weird through eleven tales of vampirism, lycanthropy, and darkness. There's a bit of dark humor, a touch of the erotic, and a little something for everyone who loves creatures of the night. Also...these vampires are guaranteed not to sparkle... Contents:
A Candle in the Sun - Basis for the author's first novel, This is My Blood
Flash Fiction - Inspired by a blog post about a crazy fan by Vampire author Nancy Kilpatrick
Bloodstained Glass - A sort of tribute to artist Lisanne Lake who painted the cover for This is My Blood
Miracles in the Night - One of the things about living forever - is keeping it new.
Smiling Eyes and Haunted Face - The first "erotic vampire" story
To Dream of Scheherazade - There had to be a story about tattoos, hve you SEEN the author?
The Subtle Ties That Bind - First published in Poppy Z. Brite's Anthology Love in Vein II
A Taste of Blood and Roses - If anyone can be a werewolf - ANYONE can be a werewolf. A love story.
The Death-Sweet Scent of Lilies - A possible history of Vlad Tepes - and Dracula.
Against His Bitter Judgment - A sequel, of sorts, to the novel This is My Blood
The Sound of Drums - Cargo cults, the US Navy - First Commercial publication
Find more work by David Niall Wilson, including the popluar series The DeChance Chronicles, Novels of the O.C.L.T., stand alone horror, thriller, and science-fiction novels like This is My Blood, On the Third Day, Sins of the Flash, and Killer Green by searching the auhor's name, or by clicking above to visit his Author central page.