Inspired by a shocking incident in eighteenth century America, award-winning and internationally acclaimed Chateau Laux is the story of Lawrence Kraymer, a young entrepreneur from a youthful Philadelphia, who chances upon a French aristocrat and his family living on the edge of the frontier.Born to an unwed mother and raised by a disapproving and judgmental grandfather, Lawrence is drawn to the close-knit family. As part of his courtship of one of the patriarch's daughters, he builds a château, igniting memories of a past that should have been left alone and setting in motion a course of devastating events he could not have anticipated. IAN Book of the Year Awards (2021) for Outstanding Historical Fiction; Gold Metal (2021) Coffee Pot Book Club Book of the Year Award for Historical Fiction Set in America; Silver Medal, IBPA Benjamin Franklin (Bill Fisher Award) for Fiction (2021); Silver Medal (2021) Historical Fiction Company for Historical - American; Bronze Medal (2021) Readers' Favorite for Historical/Event Era Genre; Finalist in the Fiction: Cross-Genre Category of the 2021 Best Book Awards Sponsored by American Book Fest; B.R.A.G. Medallion; Historical Fiction Press Award of recommended titles for 2021.