Archaeology: Dirty Secrets and BeerProfessor Copley finds a body, the wrong body in the wrong place. A tale of bombastic, academic self promotion, versus corrupt civil servants and the odd misplaced nuclear bomb. Set in a landscape of Cumbria and Bavaria; involving much beer drinking , luscious sex and a shovelful of archaeology; Copley takes archaeology and espionage to new lows. Copley; a man with an eye for landscape and detail. Magnetically attracted to the camera and microphone. Kept, literally under the heel of Evelyn, the true source of his despotic reign of terror over his Department of Hysterical Studies. Oft, as not, to be found attached to a beer glass in his alternative office; plotting his next media sensation. Never underestimate an archaeologist.All is not well when his annual dig has the Police stomping all over it, ably assisted by the Intelligence Services. Murder, mayhem and subterfuge fuels Copley's desire to solve the riddle of the wrong body. Archaeology will never be the same again.