In the vein of James Marshall, this picture book provides a gentle lesson about sulking. With humor and a light touch, this story shows that sometimes a bad attitude is the only obstacle to a good time. Silly Penelope Nuthatch receives a letter from her friend Luther Crow promising an unforgettable surprise outing. When she sees a rave newspaper review of Swan Lake, calling it unforgettable, she assumes Luther is taking her to the ballet. Unfortunately for Penelope, her surprise is a trip to the splashy, sticky, sweaty water park. Pouting and drooping, she sulks her way through the park until she realizes that the right attitude, not location, is the difference between a bad and a good day. Children will delight in the wildly populated world of Penelope Nuthatch, filled with animals of all shapes and sizes. In addition, kids will relate to Penelope's enthusiasm and pouts, while also feeling pleasantly superior to the silly bird.