A battle took place, with extraordinary martial art fi ghting & extreme sorcerystyles, in the sanctuary. As the Pope & a great number of Swiss Guardianswere killed. Drawing their swords to the very end, to defend the newlyappointed future Pope. An infant, whom was rejected by his parents at birth,& experimented by a religious clan. He desperately tries to understood, why hehas these incredible powers. But evolution took its toll. As his memory of hisbirth, still remains a mystery. His powers grow stronger by each day.Now, 25 years later; an orphan, all grown up, is being sorted by the same evilclan, that thought he was vanquished. He meets friends & foes, especially,magical animals, all along the way. Can he be the chosen one, that forms peaceamong other clans, as legends foretold? Or does he have to prove himself; toothers; & rewrite history. Time can only tell.