A tale of three brothers...A cannibal who thinks he is god, a quirky zombie and an apathetic gluttonous psychiatrist.
A excerpt is a great description.
Introduction of the brothers: Woods, John, Judah, and Joe. The first chapter delves into the madness of Judah, Jude, as he kills and eats his family.
Chapter two begins the main story as Joe becomes a zombie of sorts. His friend Xander tries to stop him from infecting the whole world. In the end Joe, Xander and their fellow scientists stop the infection where it began in White Sands. They use alien technology. In the end the zombies create a peace with the humans and work for the government in 1998.
In 2002 president Bush declares himself king of America. Political tension is high and the Peoples Republic of Asia is threatening to invade the Kingdom of America. I deal looms between Europe and America. Europe needs help to invade Russia and the rest of Asia.
John Woods is a self-centered psychiatrist. This is his journal of day to day events as America's fate lies in the hands of a dictator. It is mostly about his life and how he is raising Ruth Woods the daughter of Jude who narrowly escaped being dinner for her father.
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