"David Conway is the most powerful and distinctive writer of horror fiction since Clive Barker. . ." -- Grant Morrison, author of Arkham Asylum, The Invisibles and The Filth. "Like a hybrid monstrosity spawned from an unholy alliance between William Burroughs, Ignatius Loyola and the Marquis de Sade, David Conway's stories will take you to a dimension of absolute nightmare. . ." -- Dm Mitchell, author of A Serious Life, The Seventh Song of Maldoror. ". . .an authentically Lovecraftian marriage of contemporary science and the cosmic. . ." -- Ramsey Campbell. "In Metal Sushi Conway treats the unification of Gothic and science fictional impulses as a chimerical marriage with the potential to produce an unprecedented new form. . ." -- Mark P Williams, Gothic Science Fiction: 1980-2010. "Metal Sushi drags Hp Lovecraft's piscatorial congeries squirming and thrashing into Blade Runner dystopia to tremendous effect. . ." -- John Coulthart, Lord Horror, Reverbstorm and Hardcore Horror.