Eve Evans is growing up fast. Everyone seems to know what they want to do with their life, where to go and who to date, but Eve has not got a clue. The thought of university fills her with dread. To the outside world she seems to have a perfect life. Sure, her Dad left her when she was little more than a toddler… and sometimes strange things happen around her. That is the part that is public knowledge. The part Eve keeps hidden is her bipolar mother who struggles to keep a roof over Eve's head and the bailiffs knocking on the door. Something had to give somewhere along the line... One night, at 3:15am, a fairground rolls into town and sets up in the dead of the night. Behind the façade is a skills test booth for a school for exceptional children. A school that sits in the middle of a hidden island in the North Sea. A school that Eve finds has many dark secrets. And a vampire in the dungeon. Eve must learn to use her talents to survive and more importantly, she has to choose her new friends very carefully as she discovers that sometimes vampires can be closer than you think.