"I have recently returned from Alaska; that is where this came from." Forsyth extended the Gold Nugget in his right hand. "Tsar Alexander II of Russia is considering selling Russia's holdings in the Americas; He has no knowledge of the extent of the wealth that exists in Alaska. You, our mutual friend and I are the only people that know. I'm the only one with a map of the exact locations. Don't look so surprised." ... "Over the next ten years, many places in America will discover gold. Just look at the 49'ers strike in California. We need to establish Alaska as a sovereign country; After all, the United States has become very successful. However, even now there are forces at work to destroy this great country. It may take a hundred years, but the cancer is growing." Thinking to him-self, 'To make the necessary changes in American history, I would need an army; that will come later. For now all I need to create a new country is to save one life.'