Drew, a young reporter for an international financial news service, gets an incredible tip from a stringer in South. Africa: revolutionaries have blown up all the major gold: mines
- in that country, the largest producer of gold in the world. If released, the news will cause havoc in the financial community, and Drew tries desperately to find verification. He gets it, sends the story across the world, and watches - as the enormous repercussions begin. But then strange things start to happen. The South African stringer disappears; one of Drew's colleagues is murdered- there is a secret meeting between the financial minister of South Africa and his Russian counterpart (Russia is the second largest producer of gold); a shady international banker named Marcus seems to have come into a sudden fortune; and an attempt is made on Drew's life. Can it be, he asks himself in horror, that he has unwittingly been a-major perpetrator of a calamitous hoax? There is only one way to find out-Drew himself must investigate even though he knows that finding the answer may cost him his life. From this dazzling premise, Darrell Delamaide, himself -a former - reporter for an international financial news agency has fashioned a story that is as intriguing and exciting as it is plausible. Totally accurate in its financial detail, it is also a wonderful novel of character, moral dilemma,- and above all of surprise and suspense. Gold raises big issues, asks important questions. But its primary purpose is to entertain.