52 Humorous And Inspirational Short Stories!
From the inspiration of a Christmas miracle in
Nothing But A Miracle to the humor of
A Journal Of A Gardener At Harvest Time, these 52 humorous and inspirational short stories (one for each week of the year) will make you laugh, reminisce, and contemplate the relationships you cherish most. Stories include:
- Trying To Outsmart The Corn Bandits
- Journal Of A Gardner At Harvest Time
- To Catch A Raccoon
- To Catch A Cheater
- Who Is A Real Hero
- The Unknown Student
- Disappearing Lids And Box Tops
- Halloween Haunts
- Old Clunker
- A Rose And A Letter
- A Not-So-Friendly Rivalry
- Thankfulness For Freedoms We Take For Granted
- Standing Up Against Injustices
- Tatiana's Escape
- The Cost Of Doing The Right Thing
- Nothing Less Than A Miracle
- Y2K Problems, Looking Back A Decade Later
- What Students Communicate
- A Shocking Experience
- A Shocking Practical Joke Gone Awry
- Computer Systems And Grade Petitions
- Thermostats, Heaters, And Air Conditioners
- Those Awkward Junior High Years
- Boy Scouts, Snow Caves, And Tom Sawyer
- Winter Camp Survival
- What Really Makes A Champion
- An Exciting First Child
- A Very Precocious Child
- The Love of A Determined Child
- No Greater Love
- Cell Phone Secrets
- Life's Lessons Learned A Little Bit Late
- Considerations Of Guardian Angels
- A Horse Named Cashmere
- Making A Friendly Horse Mean
- Like Mother, Like Daughter
- What It Takes To Have A Good Church Choir
- Joining The Church Choir
- Fraudulent Flowers
- A Ring Of Truth
- The Bestest Vacation Ever
- Father's Day And Fishing Trips
- A Tale Of Two Sergeants (Leading From The Front)
- The Farm And Ranch Store
- A Really Important Can Sale
- Getting Children To Weed A Garden
- The Unique Daddy Daughter Date
- A Nice, Peaceful Neighborhood
- An Interesting Party
- How Much Is It Worth
- Playing The Part Of The Rented Boyfriend
- A Chicken Named Fluff