A boy and horse could outrun all the sadness of this flat world. If the boy believed, and the horse was swift. The sorrel knew he was fast enough to help the boy. He just needed open grassland and a light hand on the reins. He'd show Ol' Mr. Grief his heels. Why, he'd run so fast that the wind would peel that sorrow right off the boy. Like a snake shedding its skin. Leaving it caught in the grass and drying up in the sun. Dust to dust. All the horse needed was a chance.Alex Nash dreams of being a soccer star. Or a graphic artist. Maybe both. But being a cowboy? Nope and no way. Not if it means being anything like his seldom seen father.Then, out of nowhere, tragedy shatters Alex's world, and when he thinks life couldn't sucker-punch him again, it does. He's forced to live with Roberto Nash, a man he barely knows. Or wants to know.Until Alex finds out his dad has bought him a peace offering of a sort, one with a red coat, lightning speed, and a fighting spirit. A spitfire of a horse that just might heal Alex's heart and reunite father and son.