BLACK BUTTERFLY "The Original" (soon to be a movie) “Black Butterfly,” the debut novel by former television producer Dante' Feenix is the first of a series based on true life accounts. "This urban drama gives you much more than just drama in an urban setting; it's a THRILLER that takes a real look at a part of life most people fear!" -Book Addicts Intl. Reviewers Deep inside the heart of east Baltimore's most treacherous projects lives Eboni; a single mother accused of a murder she didn't commit. With the police and FBI hot on her trail, she has to shield her family and young son from the real KILLER while trying to clear her own name. But what happens when an ordinary woman is forced to break the law in order to protect her child? Will she become the murderer she's accused of being when her family is put in jeopardy? Or will the people trying to take her out finally get their way? Based on true events... You will cheer with every victory and feel the pain of every obstacle as Eboni and her family show us all how to fight back! Get your emotions ready for the ride of their life, it's "Black Butterfly" -Hip Hop Busines Journal's Literary Award Winner! Be sure to read the highly anticipated "Diary Of A 12 Inch Brotha" by Feenix!