The Christian narrative combines the biblical accounts of Jesus's birth with fictionalized descriptions and characters to offer an easy to read version of the well-known Bible story. A historical fiction version of how Mary and Joseph become married and how Jesus is born, the book attempts to bring the story alive like it has never been told before. A great book for men, women, and young adults, the story is timeless and presents biblical characters in new ways and in new light. The author writes to show Mary as a mature, loving, spiritual woman who showed great courage and faith at a very turbulent time in her life. Consulting the Old Testament of the Bible and The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim, the author weaves together a plausibly historically accurate account of how Jesus came to Earth. The book intends to read between the lines of scripture and describe the characters of the Bible as real, dimensional people in how they interact with each other and with their own unique obstacles. The book touches on faith, belief, God's Word, Jewish holidays, Jewish texts, God's presence, Egypt, Holy Spirit, Moses's Law, the Torah, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Rebekah, Luke, Hebrew.