In this debut work of supernatural fiction, writer Dan Frey delivers a taut story full of psychological suspense. Under the shimmering light of a full moon, newly engaged couple Paul and Cora head home from a dinner party. But when a devastating car accident leaves Cora paralyzed from the waist down, their future together is changed in the blink of an eye. As Cora's depression leads to a dependence on prescription pain meds, Paul turns to the works of inspirational self-help author Gabrielle Lawson. After learning of the guru's week-long retreat focused on energetic healing, Paul convinces a skeptical Cora to attend.Not long after the group arrives at the retreat center, located on a supposed vortex site in the remote Arizona highlands, strange things begin to happen. All of the attendees except Cora fall under Gabrielle's charismatic spell, and even Cora cannot ignore the terrifying visions she begins to experience, which test her perception of reality and force her to question their leader's true intentions. Is Gabrielle really an altruistic healer who simply wants to help others, or is she pursuing a much more nefarious agenda? Find out as author Dan Frey and award-winning narrator Kyla Garcia take listeners on a wild ride that explores the dark side of alternative spirituality.