THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S DAUGHTER HAS JUST BEEN MURDERED.Audrey Spencer has landed her dream job as a Deputy District Attorney and is settling into the career change when the daughter of District Attorney Gregory Pope is found stabbed to death in a nearby park.THE NEWEST DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY IS ASSIGNED TO THE CASE.Nobody could have been more surprised than Audrey when Pope assigns her to handle the case. Uncertain about Pope's motivation and assuming he hopes to influence how the case proceeds, Audrey jumps in with both feet to the most high-profile case of her career.It isn't long before Audrey realizes this case comes with more obstacles than she initially realized. The list of potential suspects is pages long. She must deal with office politics, something she hates. Her boss Gregory Pope--good intentions notwithstanding--is doing more harm than good.CAN SHE BRING THE KILLER TO JUSTICE?Armed with only her wits, experience, and determination to find justice, Audrey will see this through to the end, whatever the cost.Just when she thinks she has the case figured out, the murderer strikes again, throwing cold water on her theory.Can she catch the killer before he murders a third time?Pick up your copy today to find out! Sneak PeekBased on what little she saw poking out from underneath the plastic sheet, Audrey deduced Rachel had been jogging through the park when she was attacked.A knife was five feet away in the dirt with the point down. The handle made her think of a medieval dagger. It was possible the perp had dropped it, but more likely, he'd stabbed it into the ground before fleeing.Why?Audrey's eyes narrowed as she looked from the body to the knife's position.Accidental or intentional? She forced herself to remain open to both possibilities, even though she naturally gravitated toward one.Did the perp want the knife to be found? Was he concerned it might be missed? She refrained from glancing at Gregory Pope. Or was it a message to the venerable District Attorney?That was probably going too far, but she made a mental note of it still the same.She took in a deep breath as she tried to soak it all in. It was now just after 2:45 PM. It was fifty-five, maybe sixty degrees. Jacket weather for some, but not coat. It had been half an hour since Walzer had found Audrey in the prison parking lot. She pegged the time of death between 12:30 PM and 1:45 PM.But it's the middle of the day, Audrey thought, looking around. It's busy here. It was more likely from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM. She doubted Rachel could have been here longer than forty-five minutes without being discovered.There was blood on the trail, a smear on the ground to where Rachel lay. The river hawthorn tree itself looked unharmed.Did the perp drag her body over there? If so, why? The tree was ten feet high and thick, but it didn't hide the body, not even close.Rachel was on her back with her hands at her side. She probably would have been on her belly if she'd moved herself.