GILEAD GOT TO his feet unsteadily. The dulled blade dropped from his hand with a clatter. 'You dare to speak to me of that?' he hissed. 'Galeth was one with me, my brother, my twin! We were one soul in two bodies! Do you not remember?'
Fithvael bowed his head. 'I do, lord. That is what they said of you...'
'And when he died, I was cut in two! Death entered my soul! Ten years I hunted for the murderer! Hunted for vengeance! And when I found it, even that pleasure did not slake the pain in my heart!'
GILEAD'S BLOOD follows the saga of the doom-laden high elf, Gilead Lothain. Along with ! faithful retainer Fithvael, Gilead, shadowfast warrior and the last of the line of Tor Anrok, travels the Warhammer world seeking revenge on the servants of Evil.