Once upon a time there was a wingman named Tom who had the reputation of being catnip for women.
Now the Tom Cat's been domesticated and about to become a dad for the first time. If he can survive Hailey's pregnancy, Baby 101 classes, and the holidays with his family.
Let's hope the stork has his own wingmen, because Tom's not the only one of the guys to catch baby fever. In fact, the whole island seems to have it.
This is one Christmas on Whidbey no one will ever forget.
Five USA Today and New York Times bestselling authors have a special delivery this Christmas. They are releasing novels that feature characters from their top selling series â€"all announcing the birth of a new baby to bring extra joy to this holiday season. Cozy up with these amazing stories with characters you know and love for the ultimate feel-good romantic experience of 2017.