The Epic Third Century BC Struggle for Supremacy in the West.
Forced by the Treaty of Catulus to evacuate its troops from Sicily to Africa, Punic duplicity over payment of its mercenaries provokes a rebellion that rapidly escalates into war. Torn by intrigue and corruption; and beset by factional rivalry and vicious personal jealousies; Carthage recalls Hamilcar to sustain the tottering edifice of Punic power. However, even he is unable to prevent Carthage falling under siege, its survival dependent upon help from the enigmatic Syracusan, King Hieron.
Rebellion having spread to Sardinia, in a sudden, cynical reversal of policy, Rome annexes Carthage's provinces of Sardinia and Corsica. What is the true extent of Rome's ambition? Having survived the Libyan War, Carthage must confront the perceived threat of renewed Roman expansionism. Its only hope of resurgence is to extend its foothold in Spain; to exploit the province's resource of silver and to enlist its fierce tribes as mercenaries. For otherwise, with Sicily and Sardinia lost and with her naval strength depleted, Carthage must abandon her pretension of being mistress of the Western World and revert to being simply an African power.
With Syracuse racked by disease and internal strife; with Rome preparing to confront disaffection in Gaul and Sardinia; and with Massilia's suspicions aroused; the leaders of Punic Spain resort to subterfuge, deception and deceit to restore Carthaginian power.