The epic conclusion to the acclaimed fantasy series!
Having laid his noose around the neck of Karac Tor, Kr'Nunos now begins to tighten the rope. A vast armada sails south, ravers press toward Midland, and an ancient enemy rises from the west, forcing Arthur's beleaguered armies into a devastating multi-front war.
From Portaferry to the critical naval blockade at Seabraith, the Outlanders and the children of the Vanír use every shred of their arcane power to bolster strategic defense points. Yet the Horned Lord has left nothing to chance. Soon it becomes clear that his ultimate goal is not merely to eliminate his foes, but to vanquish history itself -- to purge not only the lineage of men, but the memory of Aion and everything good.
In such a desperate hour, faith will be sorely tested. Sacrifices must be made. On the brink of despair, does the Ravna's Riddle hold one final hope? And even if it's true, will there be anything left to save?