Armchair fiction presents extra large paperback editions of the best in classic science fiction novels. This wonderful novel is “Mars Child,” by Cyril Judd. They had arrived on Mars to escape from a decadent Earth. The man-made colony on Mars had no real need for heroes. What it needed were people who knew how to solve the problems of simple survival. The Sun Laker colonists had tried just about everything to save their colony from eventual extinction: hard work, political pull, prayer, and even good old-fashioned stubbornness. But when they found themselves at the mercy of a corrupt drug manufacturer, it seemed the only thing left to hope for was a miracle itself. That miracle soon arrived in the form of a newborn baby boy, the first child successfully conceived on the red planet. This infant soon became the hope and inspiration of a people fighting against seemingly impossible odds. However, more than anything else, the Martian colony wanted independence from a doomed Earth -- and it abruptly found itself in deadly danger of succeeding!