Seduction Is...A Soldier's Duty
Dear Reader,
I was not the marrying type. But when a young lady from England sought safe passage to California with the army, the rules said she would have to marry an officer. The colonel thought a woman's company might keep me out of trouble -- and shackles. I had no desire to trade one ball and chain for another, but when I first laid eyes on Miss Winthrop, all the senoritas in Texas couldn't drag me away from her...
So, I proposed -- but I doubted our agreement would lead to anything more. She was a well-bred lady, and I was a soldier. But during our long trip there were moments when she forgot her modesty, and I could not help but admire her beauty. Certainly it was my duty to keep Miss Winthrop safe from marauders, but it soon became my ambition to lure her into my bed -- and keep her there...
--Lieutenant Michael Trent of the First Dragoons