The Pratt twins, Chris and Susan, travel with their schoolmates on a spring tour of Washington, D.C. The girls are especially eager to meet the Russian dancers for whom their school will host a party there. In return, the Americans will watch the ballet company rehearse and perform.
Quite by chance, Chris, the zanier twin, meets Natasha, the prima ballerina of the troupe, at the airport and later at one of the city's museums. At their second meeting, Natasha gives Chris a book, inside of which she has hidden a note asking Chris, her first American friend, to help her defect!
Chris enlists Susan's aid, and they try to help Natasha escape, though there's danger. Mr. Pirov, the chaperone, is ruthless and could well belong to Russia's notorious secret police, the KGB! Unafraid, the twins conceive a plot centered on dresses the color of pink lemonade, and the kind of sister substitution for which they are already famous....