The adventures with Donnie Vaughn and Olivia Mendoza continue into the next land, a world made of machines. When Donnie accidentally ends up in the world known as Metalia, he meets the young leader of the world, Lady Selene Sakai. She's a child yet brilliant and well-respected. Selene asks Donnie for help in trying to save her world and warns him not to go to the woods because of the monsters lurking there. When he finds out the truth about them, it changes everything that he has known. Meanwhile, Olivia is trying to get used to her new role as a leader while trying to find Donnie. Before she can leave the Paperland, they are attacked by some strange creatures known as ice wasps. Unbeknownst to her, Donnie is also having problems with ice wasps and other issues in Metalia. Will this new challenge bring them closer together...or pull them further apart?