Eureka may look like any ordinary small town...but its residents are extraordinary. Founded by Albert Einstein and Harry Truman after World War II, it is home to the greatest minds in science and technology working on the next generation of scientific discovery. But the creations of these eccentric geniuses threaten to destroy the world as often as they save it. Jack Carter is the everyman sheriff who must use his common sense and unique street smarts to keep a lid on Pandora's box.
Even the brightest of Eureka's inhabitants can't read someone else's mind. Then Global Dynamics develops the Brain Box -- a device capable of capturing and storing human thoughts. After a government agent is killed in an "accident," General Mansfield gives GD the go-ahead to discover what the agent was thinking. But when the Box starts messing with people's minds, Jack will have to keep his thoughts to himself if he plans on saving the townspeople from going out of their heads....