The Singularity is a new SF and fantasy fiction magazine, based in London, England, that publishes short stories that are singular in voice and style. Issue 2 features ten excellent stories from award-winning and new writers from around the world: "Monsters" by Chris Beckett, "Blindr (Beta 3.1)" by Rich Larson, "Three Brother Cities" by Deborah Walker, "Mynah for the King" by Ahmed A. Khan, "Memory Walk" by Wendy S. Delmater, "The Stupefying Snailman, Gastropod of Justice versus The Disease that Steals the Soul" by Ira Nayman, "Another Reboot" by Russ Bickerstaff, "Pipes" by Margaret Karmazin, "Chances" by Steve Jarratt and "Commemoration of the Faithful Departed" by Steve Pease.