AN EVOLUTIONARY NOVEL One Swedish winter morning, a normally placid engineer gives his boss a well deserved slap in the face. The question, "What's wrong with this idiot?" pitches Nilson and an eclectic group of friends on an inquest into the dark corners of the human psyche. Not a standard crime investigation, as the elusive perpetrator is hiding in the most secret of all secret places, where the police cannot follow. Peeling away the layers of society over beer and pizza, they start to uncover something dangerous lurking in the minds of people - a Narcissus Parasite that has the power to destroy companies, play havoc with entire countries and severely damage human relationships. Soon the truth telling becomes personal as they turn the light towards themselves. Through the four seasons of a Scandinavian year we join Nilson and company at the Pizzeria Salamander as they dig deeper. We follow them home and on travels, with their families, struggling with raising their children, loving their partners, and facing the age-old enigmas of death and spirituality. What do this group of ordinary working people uncover when they take the time to really essay into the questions of the Good, the True and the Beautiful? Reader Reviews: A remarkable book. Its main strength is that it makes me think. Reading it has made me a member of the Salamander Club, and that's a rare reading experience. Dave King, Co-author of Self-Editing for Fiction Writers. The book reads like a psychological and philosophical adventure story. The Salamanders' conversations shed new clarity on some of the most widespread and destructive psychological forces at play in our modern world. Be prepared to discover that you, too, may be among those infected. Lasse Ramquist. This book resembles a Gothic structure - elegant archways that carry a lot of weight. Dr Ulf Hjalmars