This is thee second edition. It has been rewritten to include all of the suggestions provided by reviewers Life on the Moon is not all it's cut out to be. Temperatures both day and night are deadly and unbearable. There are few places to hide from the blistering heat and the freezing cold. However, two people are determined to make it work, despite the danger and difficulty that challenges their dreams. Annie Taylor, a law student, came to the moon to harvest Helium 3, a precious element that not only solved the energy crisis, but also prevented World War III. Trapped on the moon during a Helium storm, she is saved by Clint Baker and taken to his family's ranch, started by Tex and Dolly Baker, who simply wanted to create a bit of their Dallas, Texas home on the strange and airless moon. Although Annie must return to Earth to solve her sister's murder, she follows the murderer when he escapes to the Moon. Once there, her life becomes a complicated series of events involving power, control, and law. Appointed Lieutenant Governor of the Moon, she must arrange a world where the land is not under control, and the people are free to live out their hopes. Already being lauded by readers as being “about science, not fantasy”, The Moon Is Not for Sale is an exciting science fiction ride to the Moon and back, and will capture readers' imaginations from the first page to the last.