This anthology well it started it all for me as a publisher and an editor. this being that I was granted my catalog back. It took pulling out the painting of Barrack Obama burning the constitution by Jon McNaughton when they were stating their office was closed on the 4th of July. I told them they shouldn't even honor that fucking holiday and might as well wiped their ass with Old Glory. I not only got Tabloid Purposes back. The treasure of my company being it's original rich text format that I used with the original incarnation of the anthology. Nicholas S. Stember and I were the think tank on Tabloid Purposes -- we didn't even know what we were going to title it at the time. The magazine I publish is one of the anthology's working titles. It's the anthology that started my publishing imprint, named for my first science fiction story Lake Fossil.
This version has additional commentary on key stories - some of the names you might see around the small press now but when we were starting out a lot of us are relatively unknown. As one of my blogs I have 500 people following me via e-mail and 900 plus connected with me privately on Some of us don't have the support of the modern horror media. I refused to let this anthology become a causality over what happened with and when Legend Keeper cost me all my storefronts.
This anthology is when the realities of "The Weekly World News" are fodder for the imagination. We had some interesting ideas that we put on the table as I put the work in the hands of the contributors and let them do their thing. Much like Coach's Midnight Diner: Jesus Vs. Cthulhu Edition did three years later. As I said of the first diner when I read it -- I told Coach, "Dude some of these writers wouldn't be out of place in my own projects."
This project is special because it is the first time I debut as an editor -- refusing to play by the rules of the Horror Writers Association. When I pissed them off it was as I said to them, "If there isn't a market for a story create one. Look you treat self-published authors and web-published authors like they are less than people. Saying they are in your word 'Literary Ghettos' you want to anger me in that way. Okay you fucks -- I will give them a concentrated vehicle as I was self-published first too." Tabloid Purposes was that anthology where I was going to kick the door down in someone's face as they tried to slam it in mine. Ramsey Campbell you should learn why you shouldn't slam a door at my career because I am going to kick it in. I am known by my first roster as the door kicker -- I am going to become published I am going bring a few friends with me. Tabloid Purposes -- as Joseph R. Armstead wrote in the introduction of IV, the Revolution with a capitol "R." The first introduction I had a real journalist do this -- as Tabloid Purposes over the years had contributors who do have journalist backgrounds.
As I myself learned how to become a journalist myself over the years. The world of the gossip blogger was just four years old with the fuckheads who were on during the era of Tabloid Purposes. This anthology was done to challenge Queer Fear and Queer Fear II -- Tabloid Purposes IV is my favorite of the series because it is the darkest. A fat prick known as "Locust" nine months earlier said I would never become published. I was tossed from for challenging him to fight me as he rode the coattails of other authors in the small press. This was born when The House of Pain's owner said she didn't know if she could keep on with the e-zine. Saying, "Nick why don't you do something that carries on the tradition of The House of Pain." Tabloid Purposes became that anthology and had eight alumni from The House of Pain o