*Through the end of 2017, 100% of royalties from this book will go to the Houston Food Bank as a Hurricane Harvey relief donation. Rising Water Everywhere! From flooded homes to the emotional deluge. Humor, mystery, terror and suspense - along with the best and not-so-best of humanity surrounding us. Explore the fears, prayers, survival and aftermath of the rising and receding waters. From the imagery of poetry to the imagination of life before, during and after. And encounter the slithering creatures that inevitably come with it. With record-breaking floods in The Woodlands Texas in 2016, and Hurricane Harvey in 2017, all of our lives were influenced in some fashion by these disasters. Hence the flood theme of our second annual anthology. Being writers as we are, we took artistic license with this theme. Put on your boots and wade through the Rising Waters of our imaginations â€" the water can be calm and cold or rough and dirty, but the journey will be entertaining.