The Goddess: a female deity who represents strength, love, dignity, sexuality, motherhood, wrath, peace, the elements, and so much more. She is the symbol of every woman who has ever been or will ever come to be. She comes from a myriad of places and beliefs, her image always changing, but her presence always there. In this collection of fourteen beautifully written stories and three lovely original artworks, the Goddess rises in many unique forms to remind the world of the strength and beauty that is woman and the connection she has with all things. Stories Include: Warrior Goddess ….. Rebecca Poole Down came the Queen of Heaven ….. Aubrey Diamant Bia ….. Samantha Ketteman Carmaterdea ….. Sinead MacDughlas Goddess of My Heart ….. Michael Cross Her ….. Rebecca Poole A Goddess's Revenge ….. Catherine Stovall Love, Lust, Beauty ….. Jackie McMahon Hunting the Dark ….. Marion C. Lanier Mother of Monsters ….. Andrea L. Staum Goddess Touched ….. Elizabeth L. Lance The Cast Iron Skillet ….. Shebat Legion The Weaver ….. Zoe Adams Shield of Light ….. Beth W. Patterson Beautiful Secrets of the Sea ….. Jackie McMahon Vanquish ….. Mariana Thorn Falling For You ….. Cecilia Clark ****All proceeds from the Rise of the Goddess anthology will go to benefit the Elliott Public Library****