Love Story A young woman from the country is swept off her feet by charismatic Paul who begins wooing her and then envelops her in his world. After an initial attempt to steer her own destiny, Shelly finds herself overwhelmed by a consuming passion that saps her will. Breakdown Shelly becomes so demoralized by the crushing intensity of life with Paul that she finally seeks help to re-find her own strength and destiny. She returns to the country and rebuilds her life. But, she finds negotiating the separation complex and difficult. New Beginnings Life returns to normal for Shelly, Paul and their children, each finding a separate path to fulfilling lives. Devastation Just when all the problems have finally been ironed out and life is almost back on track a child goes missing. This drama impacts all those involved and there is no escaping the ripples of this tragedy. If you have always wondered how juries work try this case for yourself. Go through the evidence yourself or If you want to get the feel for how a jury works Print off the PDF attached Invite a group of people around, and Try the case together. Go to