The Flight of the Angel and the Winds of Allah is the first book in the Saga. Set in contemporary setting about global terrorism as seen through the eyes of the U-2 Spy Planes circumnavigating the globe fielding information into the Combined Air Operation Center at the 9th Recon at Beale AFB in California, to the decision makers in the CIA, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the White House, and to the expediters of a plan from the Navy Seals, US Submarine, an Aircraft Carrier, UAV's and F-35 Fighters. Our story begins when a U-2 Spy Plane is dispatched to confirm the report that the Iranian's are mining the Strait of Hormuz. In the process, the Iranian Air Force launches two aircraft to shoot it down. They are intercepted and warned off by two Fighter aircraft from the USS Reagan, but not before they manage to damage the U-2 and force it to crash off the Coast of Oman. The story unfolds in events that lead us on a precipitous path with Iran; a nuclear laden Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf, surface to air missiles smuggled on to the beaches of Gaza, and an operational plan that could easily spark a war.