A classic astonishing 21st century science fiction horror thriller, packed with action adventure, paranormal science fiction, major televised murders and investigations, and treasure explorations Throughout history a secret chamber is buried away with something of alien origins inside, waiting to be revived, haunting a castle and opening gateways going beyond the universe. Newspapers and legends, over centuries, captivate people and tell unexplained and mind-bending tales of horror of mutilated remains of travelers scattered throughout the woods and of people being attacked and chased by evil mysterious magical forces and transcendent monsters with fearful sounds and of swift-moving lights shifting through the trees. A group of people are forced into staying at the castle for a week and are fanatical with hunting and getting the treasure hidden away there, which they believe has been left there by the late owner, and they explore the immense haunted castle and vast estate in a remarkable treasure hunt adventure with the characters racing to get it first, even after two major murders and televised police investigations. A world-famous and leading scientist is one of them and is possessed with unraveling mysteries and he has been given his ultimate task and predicaments to decipher it all from all the mayhem of paranormal phenomena and extraordinary occurrences. Leading scientists and psychic investigators accompany him to the castle and go to any length to prove their theories and the existence of anything supernatural, which they have been waiting all their lives to do, with the foremost in scientists, technology, and equipment to investigate things further than before and to make a decisive investigation.