Demons â€" we all have them. Like a parasitic shadow, attaching itself and penetrating its foul claws deep into your soul, your own personal demon feeds on your fears. Fear â€" the basest of all human emotions; the one from which all our others gain impetus and purpose â€" even of love. Throughout history, the Demon has been projected outwards, given form, given a cornucopia of names and even hierarchies. Truth be told, they are a deeply ingrained expression of our own psyches. Manifesting in a myriad of ways: addictions â€" physical, mental and spiritual; hatred and prejudice, ignorance and subservience â€" the Demon lives within us all, and choreographs the dance of life towards death. As you immerse yourself in the demonic tales within these pages, the question may arise… How much of yourself have you given away, as you Dance with the Demon