An epic entrenched within fundamentals of forgiveness and redemption, follows the tragic and tumultuous life of Diedra Brown. Raised in 1990's Detroit, by an alcoholic, neglectful mother and soon-to-be absentee father, Diedra endures an onslaught of unimaginable trials that eventually compel her to flee home at sixteen. Mentally and emotionally scarred by her childhood, Diedra dredges through life semi-present and filled with resentment. Harboring hurt inflicted on her by those of her unfortunate childhood, Diedra's current relationships are grossly affected by her unwillingness to let go of the pain. When Tony, a handsome, charming gentlemen, enters her life, Diedra is forced to confront her demons head-on and tackle the issues that have held her bound her entire life or risk losing someone special. Following several life-altering events, Diedra is revisited with her past forced to relive her desolate upbringing. With the help of those who love her, will she gain the courage to face her past and finally put it where it belongs? Behind her? An inspirational tale for anyone who has ever experienced hurt.