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A Time Lord for Change is a brand-new charity anthology that takes every single television Doctor Who story from 1963-2015 (from ‘An Unearthly Child' to ‘The Husbands of River Song') â€" covering all the Doctors, companions, adventures, and enemies â€" and responds to them re-imagines and re-interprets them as drabbles: stories, poems, letters, songs, vignettes and memoirs of exactly 100 words in length, no more, no less. And this book contains over 270 of them! Chinbeard Books â€" donating to mental health charity Mind â€" offers every fan of TV's Time Lord a new opportunity to take the Doctor's hand and step aboard the TARDIS to discover a whole new world of Doctor Who previously unseen, a world that's sometimes frightening, sometimes silly, sometimes irreverent and sometimes deliciously analytical; a world which features: The Twelfth Doctor choosing weapons and revealing more empathy cards; River Song telling us why she loves each Doctor; a trip behind the scenes with the Curator; the musings of a cat that likes kidney; the thoughts of a horse called Susan; Dalek/human parallels; another death for Rory; Monty Python's ‘The Rings of Akhaten'; a 10-year-old re-watching a Christmas special; John Lumic stealing his big idea; what we might have had if we didn't have ‘Blink'; the truth about that thing on Midnight; Donna's school report; what else got loose from Van Statten's collection; Adam's clever solution; the death-birth of Good Wolf; the War Doctor's many names; the Eighth Doctor's visit to HG Wells; a chance to save someone for old times' sake; Andrew Cartmel's Season 27; Kroagnon's other faux pas; the Master at the shops; the Sixth Doctor's final moments; the mind of a multi-coloured coat; what Chessene did next; Sil's involvement in Tranquil Repose; how the Earth's new name was chosen; Ibbotson on Facebook; the inter-galactic shipping forecast; the truth about Morgus; Sarah's kleptomania; Jano and the Sevateem; the famous Giant Prawn; the lie they told Adric; the Tenth Doctor at the Gateway; how the Daleks saved a child from depression; life on Dust or death on Earth for the Third Doctor; Zaroff's fishy secret; Ian Hendry as the leader of the Dominators; the creation of the Karkus; the Second Doctor's golden birth; the secret struggle of Sensorite women; how the Time War started; and the First Doctor's death amongst the Aztecs. All of that - and a lot more besides… A Time Lord for Change features a host of authors (a vortex of Wholigans, in fact) - over 100 professional and amateur contributors, including prominent names from Doctor Who itself: Colin Baker, Katy Manning, Andrew Cartmel, Robert Shearman, Jane Sherwin, and Terry Molloy. Other prominent contributors include: Joanne Harris, Paul Magrs, John Dorney, Neil Perryman, David J Howe, Simon Bucher-Jones, Paul Ebbs, Simon A Forward, Ian Potter, John Davies, James Gent, JR Southall, Alan Stevens, Fiona Moore, Steve Horry, Declan May, and Rebecca Vaughan; plus Cliff Chapman who conceived and commissioned the project, project publisher/producer Barnaby Eaton-Jones (Robin of Sherwood: The Knights of the Apocalypse) and critically acclaimed playwright and theatre producer Elton Townend Jones (The Unremarkable Death of Marilyn Monroe), who edits the collection.