The unexpected begins...Agent Sidney Shaw is one of the FBI's finest. Toughas nails with a calculating mind, she thought she was ready for anything. Shewas wrong. Enter John Smoke. He's a bounty hunter whosespirited arrest methods landed him hard time in prison. The decorated veteran,now branded an ex-con, just wants to serve his time in peace. The powers thatbe have other plans. They need his unique skills to hunt down criminalfugitives on a list called The Black Slate. To let Smoke hunt, they let him outof prison.
When Sidney is assigned to be Smoke's handler, bothof their lives are turned upside down. She plays by the rules. He trusts hisinstincts. Fighting to control him, she finds herself chasing him down bizarrepath that leads them to the doorstep of vast secret criminal network called TheDrake that has begun to rear its head in the heart of Washington, D.C. It's notlong before Sidney and Smoke realize that they aren't up the typical againstjust any criminals, but criminals with supernatural abilities and powers.
Followinga trail of mayhem and death they have to learn to trust each other, but will itbe enough for them to see it through to the end.
The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files is inspired by the likes of the X-Files, Supernatural, Castle and The Dresden Files. If you find shows and books like that entertaining, perhaps you will enjoy this series as well.
Craig Halloran has over 35 published books and several Amazon bestsellers among them. He is also an Amazon KDP All-Star.