Even the sky has secrets. Victoria Digby's life in Chuzzlewit is picturesque. Ideal. Born to a good family, she's also the star pilot in the Aviatory's Protection Program, one of five young ladies assigned to protect their town from the Kreak--a deadly mechanical creature residing in the nearby ocean. Enter Graham Birkley, a peculiar boy claiming to be from a strange place Victoria has never heard of. Graham enlists her help looking for a lost friend, a man no one in town has ever heard of either. The more she gets to know Graham, the more she loses not only her heart, but also all senses of security about the life she thought she loved. Graham knows secrets about people, things he couldn't possibly know, including a secret about Victoria she has yet to uncover. Mostly, Graham knows what the sky is hiding. And when he tells her the truth, getting rid of the Kreak is no longer Victoria's biggest problem. Getting out of Chuzzlewit is.