In the dark of night, the stealthy Shadow stalks. In search of a story, the lovely journalist snoops. In a chance encounter, a torrid passion is born...
Tabloid journalist Aggie O'Day thrives on scandal and goes out of her way to create it. Much to her delight, the discovery of King Arthur's Crown is the talk of London, thanks in large part to a highly publicized curse she invented: Woe be to whoever does dare to defile it. Death and destruction shall follow its path... Pleased that her clever lie has caused such a sensation, Aggie is determined to get a glimpse of the crown.
But when she breaks into the room where the precious relic is kept, she encounters the city's most notorious thief--the Shadow. Aggie knows that if she can reveal his real identity, she'll finally have a truly sensational story. But she doesn't realize that the Shadow is a man with a mission, and he won't let anything--or anyone--get in his way. Aggie's nose for news leads her to places she never imagined--and into the arms of the very man she has vowed to expose...