Suddenly, a new sound fell on his ears. He lay very still, listening and wishing his back wasn't exposed to the opening. He heard a soft padding sound. Coyote! Fear rose and tightened his throat as a mental picture of the rabid coyote filled his mind. He realized it could be a mountain lion or wolf, but that didn't help to calm him. Is this the way I'm going to die? Raised in a world of women, Moses comes of age and leaves behind everything he has ever known. Fate seems to guide him on a journey to the High Meadows. There, he is thrust into a man�s domain, with strong, hardworking ranchers and cowboys. Digging deep within himself, Little Moses struggles to find the courage to become a man that any father would be proud of. Just when life seems to be going great, he feels betrayed by the family that took him in and runs to the mountains to die. Has God made a mistake by bringing him here? Will his faith keep him strong, or will he crumble, like the sissy-boy who can�t quite become a man.