Christ's time to save the world is up. It's Dooms Day. Or Revelations. Oh, whatever. It's the end of the world as you know it. There.
Will the Stranger be able to fulfill his father's request before it's too late?
In this last and final book, the stranger teaches us the most important of virtues - patience, sacrifice and unconditional love - but in the most untraditional of ways. And quite frankly, it's probably stuff people of religion simply don't want to hear.
What will be in store for Lyle and the stranger this time?
Traveling westward with twenty some elderly tourists, the result of the boys' miserable effort at pocketing some extra cash, they head for the Reagan presidential library. But thanks to a delightful twist they end up on Hollywood Boulevard. Ah, Hollywood, the place of fake boobs and flamboyant personalities.
Is Hollywood a blessing or a curse and will either of the men take a stab at beginning an acting career? After all, isn't that what millions of aspiring wanna-be's come here to do?
Through a delightful combination of luck and a whole lot of misfortune the Stranger and Lyle may have found peace and answers in the most unlikely of places.
Peace at last.
But will it be enough purpose for the Stranger to be called home and abducted by the big man upstairs?
Find out and get your kicks in one last time because the Stranger may not be back for a very long time… or will he?
From the author: P.S. I hope you enjoyed the show. Thanks for coming and see you never again.