Barbarian Hordes vs. Sheer, Cold Reason
Technology vs. Sorcery
The Empire of Sabis is falling, besieged and overwhelmed by the army and hostile wizards of a more powerful empire. Still, it is not too late for a small group of philosopher-scientists to reverse the tide if they can convince the rulers of Sabis to build the deadly new weapon that they have invented: the cannon. But when the rulers prove too short-sighted and Sabis falls, the scientists flee, disguising their knowledge under the cover of a religion and its arcane rituals.
Though centuries will pass and the Sabirn race will be oppressed and persecuted, the powerful knowledge will be passed on and preserved by the Secret Order. And the time will come when only one thing stands against destruction by a ruthless and invincible barbarian horde:
A Sweeping Fantasy Epic
Complete in One Hardcover
Volume for the First Time